- Jan, 2025: Adobe Faculty Award, 2025
- Oct, 2024: Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researcher.
- Oct, 2024: Rajiv Khemani Young Faculty Chair Professorship in AI
- Aug, 2024: IETE – Prof Anita Gopal Dandekar Award for GenAI
- July, 2024: Google PaliGemma Academic Program GCP Credit Award
- June, 2024: Microsoft Academic Partnership Grant 2024
- June, 2024: Adobe Faculty Award, 2024
- Dec, 2023: Best Reviewer Award in EMNLP 2023 for
the Interpretability,
Interactivity and Analysis of Models for NLP track
- Sep, 2023: Adobe Faculty Award, 2023
- Aug, 2023: AI and Social Good IJCAI'23 Award, 2023
- Aug, 2023: JP Morgan Faculty Award, 2023
- July, 2023: ACL Outstanding paper award, 2023
- April, 2023: ACM Distinguished Speaker, 2023-25
- Feb, 2023: IEI Young Engineers Award for the year
- Oct, 2022: Indo-German Paired Early Career
Fellowship in Applied Research
- May, 2022: PAKDD'22 Early Career Research Award
- Dec, 2021: Google exploreCS award (jointly with two
other colleagues)
- Sep, 2021: Faculty Excellence Award from IIITD
- Aug, 2021: Google TensorFlow Faculty Award
- Aug, 2021: Received Unrestricted Faculty Grant/Gift
from LinkedIn
- Oct, 2020: Received SIG-Social Media Registration
Support Award for ASIST
Social Informatics Symposium
- Sep, 2020: Received Teaching Excellence Award for
the NLP (Monsoon 2019) course
- Aug, 2020: Received a grant from Facebook to access
CrowdTangle platform
- Nov, 2019: Outstanding reviewer recognition in
EMNLP-IJCNLP, 2019 (link)
- Nov, 2019: ASEM-DUO India Faculty Fellowship
- Sep, 2019: Received IBM Faculty Award
- Sep, 2019: Received Teaching Excellence Award for
both NLP (Monsoon 2018) and
IR (Winter 2019) courses
- June, 2019: Best Student Paper Award in JCDL 2019
- Sep, 2018: Received Google India Faculty Award
- Sep, 2018: Received Teaching Excellence Award in
both NLP (Monsoon 2017) and IR
(Winter 2018) courses
- Aug, 2018: Received Faculty Award from Hike
Messenger, India
- July, 2018: Received Faculty Award from Egregore
Lab, India
- May, 2018: Received Early Career Research Award
(ECR) from SERB, DST, Govt. of
- April, 2018: Received best reviewer award (out of
1232 reviewers) in WWW'18
- Mar, 2018: Received DAAD Faculty Fellowship
- July, 2017: Received Ramanujan Fellowship (link)
- July, 2017: My PhD work featured in Computing
Reviews' Notable Books and
Articles 2017, ACM (link)
- Oct, 2016: Best Poster Runner Up in IBM I-CARE
2016, Bangalore, India.
- Sep, 2016: Received IBM Best PhD Thesis Award
- Sep, 2016: Received INAE PhD Level Innovative
Student Projects Award (Equivalent to Best Thesis Award) (Slides)
- Aug, 2016: Received Best Paper Runner up, ASONAM
- Jan, 2016: Received Xerox India Best PhD
Dissertation Award
- Aug, 2015: Received Best Demo Award in IBM Day, IIT
Kharagpur, India, 2015.
- Jan, 2015: Received first prize in Microsoft
Techvista PhD poster competition
(a cash award of INR 1.5 lakhs) and a citation.
- Aug, 2014: Received Yahoo award, KDD student
fellowship and ACM-India IARCS
travel grant for attending SIGKDD 2014.
- Jan, 2014: Best presentation award in Social
Networking workshop, COMSNETS
- July, 2013: Selected for Full International Travel
Support by DST, Govt. of
India for attending ASONAM and BASNA in Canada, Aug. 25-28 Aug., 2013.
- Mar, 2013: Selected as a funded student for the
"Latin American eScience
Workshop 2013: Turning Data into Insight". (60 students are selected worldwide)
- Jan, 2013: Honorable mention award in TechVista,
Microsoft Research India's
annual research symposium, Coimbatore, India, 2013.
- June, 2012: Qualified UGC-NET (National Eligibility
Test) Examination in
Computer Science & Application.
- July, 2012: Google India
PhD Fellowship 2012 for 4
years (4 students are selected in India)
- Nov, 2010: Best paper award in IEEE Cascom
Postgraduate Student paper Conference, 27th Nov, 2010, Kolkata.
- May, 2009: Best Student award by TATA CONSULTANCY
- May, 2009: College Topper in undergraduate (BTech)